NTMS is undergoing a major upgrade over the weekend of December 12-13. As a result, there will be periods of time that the system will be unavailable.
You should make arrangements as needed with the one call center(s) to ensure that you receive emergency tickets between Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 11am ET through Sunday December
13, 2015 at 8pm ET. When the system comes on line, services will be available as normal.
For tickets received from: Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Washington D.C.: If you are
already receiving notification of emergency ticket numbers via phone call from the call center, you can go to from any browser (link only live
from December 12, 2015 at 11am ET through Sunday December 13, 2015 at 8pm ET); select the
desired state and enter the ticket number to view the ticket.
For tickets received from Kansas and New Jersey: If you are already receiving notification of emergency ticket numbers via phone call from the call center, you
can call 800-743-6302 to request a copy of the ticket to be sent to any valid email address.
Remember! Users should make sure they have made arrangements with the one call center(s) to be certain that they can receive emergency ticket notification during the outage.
There will also be a new look and feel, with the application buttons on the left. This will impact LTM, ETM, Damage Manager, Search and Status, and Ticket Check. Go to the Sandbox and use your current login information to play with any of the apps.
• Users who use FTP to provide status information may experience slight differences with the electronic login.
You can contact if you have any questions.